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Committee Article- JCC

Near the start of the committee, General Macarthur and Dwight Eisenhower introduced a directive co-written by Edward Almond and Shin Sung...

Why Flat Earthers Are Correct

By Lavanna Anand Hello, It has come to my attention that not everyone is aware of the truth. I have found this extremely shocking...

Betrayal, Betrayal

By Nyrika Nooreyezdan After the giant twist update to yesterday's committee ending, the delegate of Kim Il-sung has spent her morning...

Committee Report Day 2- HSC

By Purv Ashar Committee started, as usual, with the recurring Wi-Fi issues and people forgetting to mute themselves. Iraq ended up losing...

Representation Of India

By Kavyaa Shah In the past, non-white cultures have had a rough time being represented in Hollywood, including Indian culture. Starting...

Not So Soundless Sleep

By Taarini Gurjar I think it's safe to say that all teenagers love their sleep. Sleeping in with no worries of the work that lies ahead...

Creepy Poetry

By Arwa Darukhanawalla cold was the night, the wind how it blowed, I was lost in the grasp of darkness, and surrounded by the cold....

MUN at the Movies

By Kavyaa Shah IN COMMITTEE: THE CHAIR checks their list and starts marking delegates as present.To their surprise, the enthusiastic...


By Nikhil Tole Trivedi There are generally two things a Mumbaikar still in the education system looks forward to in summer. Holidays and...

Is sleeping productive?

By Anoushka Mirchandani In a period where normalcy and regularity have been replaced with simple methods of survival, individuals are...

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