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Betrayal, Betrayal

By Nyrika Nooreyezdan

After the giant twist update to yesterday's committee ending, the delegate of Kim Il-sung has spent her morning attempting to answer all the accusatory questions aimed at her. She addressed each delegate’s question with a subtle insult at first, just to keep her in a position of power (and yes, it's working). She proves to have strong loyalty towards her side of the debate. Schmorkov motions to continue the question session, re-starting strongly with a question from the delegate of Deng Hua regarding Kim Il-sung’s financial decisions, claiming that Kim Il-sung doesn’t need China’s financial help. Kim Il-sung attempted to answer, in the end choosing to say that this was a waste of time and she is being asked the same question repeatedly. Then, the delegate of Dhruv Gurjar questioned how much Kim Il-sung hated betrayal, wondering if it was only a problem when she was betrayed not when she betrayed another. Continuing her argument on the questions being repeated, she asked to move on but not before calling the heads question “idiotic”. The delegate of Navya Shah asks why Kim Il-sung spent 3 million dollars on an “alliance” that had a mole on the other side, making them dangerous to collude with? Kim Il-sung’s response didn’t answer the delegate's question, but only focused on a word the delegate used: “alliance”. “It was not an alliance. If someone were to do your laundry for you, would you call that an alliance?” Yes, she just compared paying to assassinate someone to laundry.

Kim Il-sung then introduced a directive that involved a plebiscite to be held after five years to allow South Koreans to decide if they would want to unite Korea under communism. This change in tact was received well by delegates who saw it as a way to end the war in a peaceful manner. However, some doubts were raised about possible leak, an understandable doubt after the assassination of Kim Il-sung’s rival. The directive was extensively debated as the delegate of Dhruv Gurjar and Kim Il-sung entered an argument about Kim Il-sung’s control over her spy network. Doubts were brought up about Kim Il-sung's impulsive behaviour and the likelihood of South Korea agreeing to such terms. The directive failed to the disappointment of Kim Il-sung.

The press conference of JCC NK was more successful than imagined. Our first question from Trishla Chitrabanu to the delegate of Kim Il-sung regarding her paying to assassinate an opponent . Kim Il-sung’s answer to her was that assasination is a job like lawn mowing, so the money she paid was not a bribe but salary. Assasination is a job, like lawn mowing! Reminded us of last year's UNiS MUN when a certain delegate said “Naturally some people will die”. Next to Nyrika Nooreyezdan’s question to the delegate of Joseph Stalin, about his unconditional support of Kim Il-sung and his deals with the British. The delegate of Stalin replied in a calm, peaceful manner, as a delegate should, that his actions were in the best interest of North Korea. Lastly, Kavyaa Shah’s question to the delegates of Alexander Smorchkov, regarding their statement on Stalin not betraying the committee despite Stalin himself admitting to do so. Such an elaborate question, with a one sentence answer from each delegate. The press conference was then closed and the committee continued.

A shocking new update was revealed after debate on some new proposed directives. Kim Il-sung has been kidnapped and North Koreans suspect their southern counterparts. A power vacuum has formed in North Korea and the USA have seized the chance to rebuild their South Korean Allies. The delegate of Kim Il-sung was replaced by a speaker for Kim Il-sung.

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