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Your Tarot Card Reading Based on your MUNning Style

By Nyrika Nooereyezdan

This delegate knows exactly what they’re doing in a MUN. They’re debating style is effective and clear and their fellow delegates appreciate their diplomatic and calm manner. Their proficiency at convincing their fellow delegates of their stance is commendable and they are quite capable of talking down any delegate that might stand against them.

  1. The Empress – initiative, action, long days

This MUNner works tirelessly to write out paperwork, speaks passionately in committee and permanently has their virtual hand raised to propose a motion. They are confident in their abilities and always prepared for an on the spot speech or baffling question.

  1. The Chariot -war, triumph, vengeance

This delegate is quite adamant that at some point war should commence. They take comments against them in committee quite seriously and are quite excited when updates make things in committee a bit more interesting.

  1. The hermit – treason, corruption

This delegate plays a part in many of the secret deals revealed in committee updates. Alliances aren’t of the utmost importance to this particular delegate who prefers to take the most unexpected route in committee.

  1. The fool – folly, mania, frenzy

UNiS definitely isn’t what you want to occupy your weekend with. Committee is either too boring or too confusing and writing directives is your worst nightmare. You simply cannot wait for committee to be over so you can relax and not hear another word about the latest development in the

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