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Why Flat Earthers Are Correct

By Lavanna Anand


It has come to my attention that not everyone is aware of the truth. I have found this extremely shocking considering the amount of evidence backing my ‘claims’. As a citizen of this earth, it is my duty to enlighten the rest of my peers, and that is exactly what I intend to do.

Now I know that schools and scientists constantly remind us that the ‘earth is spherical’. What they don’t remind us of is their common source of funding - the government. That’s right. The government is tipping off scientists and schools to make sure they spread propaganda and lead the inhabitants of earth to believe their lies.

Look, I’ll be honest. To someone who has been told ‘round earth’ theories all their lives, this might seem ridiculous. That’s fine. I just want to remind you guys that our earth is so flat that we can have vast expanses and fields and they even support structures like buildings and towers. We stand on our Earth. Have you ever tried standing on a ball? Not as easy as it seems, right. It’s the same with our planet.

We see all these images of a round earth and the ‘horizon’. But how much of that can we know is true? Couldn’t they all be mere fabrications, made by scientists? It’s not like we’re the ones taking the pictures or looking at the earth from the sky. We just have to trust the ‘professionals’. I quite frankly am not sure why we do so.

Other than images, is there any evidence that proves the earth is round? That’s what I thought. So now, I urge you. Spread the message, scream, yell it in the streets. The earth is flat. The government is lying to us. The scientists are being forced to fabricate results and research.

The only thing I haven’t yet figured out is why the government would do this. Stay safe out there.


A helpful friend

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