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Name Reveal! 

Every year the press heads have one way to prove their creative potential. They spend long hours contemplating, debating, some hours hating, and curating. After many a pensive stare out of their bedroom windows, long walks in the muggy Mumbai heat, and several minutes spent stress-eating MOD, they arrived at the life-changing decision, more consequential than their college selection. It was a warm summer night when Bhakti and Malvika finally ended their laborious Odyssey. 


There were several candidates: all funny, some intentionally and others not. “Press corpse” seemed to be a fan favourite amongst our delegates - however this did not match Bhakti and Malvika’s little-miss-sunshine personas. “Press-ink Issues”, a fierce competitor, was next on the table, but they knew they could do better than that. They chuckled in spite of themselves over the prospect of naming the site “”, but knew that time was running out. 


As the hours drew on, the conversation deviated to topics, including beavers, salsa (the food, not dance), and challenging 10th grade geography tests on time zones. 


“Remember GMT!”, remarked Bhakti, with far too much enthusiasm, at 2:00 AM. 


“OMG YEAH! Greenwich Mean Time, I can almost hear Ms. Gupta saying it”, replied a sleep deprived Malvika. 


“Well, they got something right - with today’s poverty, pandemics and politics, times really are cruel.”


It was at this moment, that the two fatigued souls had an epiphany. 


There was a theatrical silence. Suddenly, Malvika whispered, in awe of her own wit, “Global Mean Times”. 


Bhakti’s jaw dropped. “Wait, Malu - that’s brilliant”, she gasped. 


And with this, Press Corps 2021 is (a little) proud to reveal…




Your distraction from tension filled committee, or if you’re a press delegate, the bane of your existence



Hi everyone, sorry for that slightly bizarre, but unfortunately accurate description of the process of choosing a title for the press website. 


Just as you may have learnt in geography, at different longitudes, times are different, divided by imaginary lines called “time zones”. Similarly, during this weekend we are going to be divided amongst different time zones throughout the world. 


Furthermore, the historical and current events being discussed in committee are spread over distinct eras. 


The press website is your one-stop-shop for all things UNiS and hot takes on current events - hence serving as a middle ground or “mean” to bring our disjointed committees together. 


Have a thought-provoking and enriching weekend, filled with motions for entertainment:)


Times are cruel, but delegates, this is your opportunity to rewrite history. Make the most of it. 

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