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Committee Report Day 2- HSC

By Purv Ashar

Committee started, as usual, with the recurring Wi-Fi issues and people forgetting to mute themselves. Iraq ended up losing territory to the South but gained to the North, so to an unknowing person it would be “some lost some gained, why the aggression?” But it kicked committee off in the right way. The USA were, quite simply, shocked; UK, Italy and Iraq played the blame game; Libya tried to bring committee away from a World War, and Syria sat in the corner with, you guessed it, Wi-Fi issues. In response, and after getting over their shock, the USA decided to ask committee for solutions, probably a relief to the chairs who presumed World War would be the only way to shut the rowdy delegates up.

The caucus included countries siding with others, along with accusing Iraq of turning on their allies and giving the right to retaliate. This probably sent the chairs back into World War stress, as this had taken a sharp turn from its original cause. Italy, perhaps controversially, said “We will win this war”, but clarified to say that this meant that they were not backing down easily. And, even here, there were Wi-Fi issues, this time with Argentina. The USA, a proactive and brilliant delegate, insisted that the nations looked to everyone’s betterment and looked for peace. Iraq also continually admitted they started the war, and now desired peace.

In what ended up being among the concluding motions, Venezuela raised an unmoderated caucus that carried on until after lunch, when a directive was introduced. While committee was dispersing into breakout rooms, the deputy chair stated “Paperwork needs to be e-mailed to us, if not god help you all”. The threat seemed to work, though, as the directive, post the amendments, passed with zero “no’s”. Although, in one breakout room, discussion topics did include debate about whether an avocado cursor or a Marvel helmet cursor was better, thus blowing up the UN discussion room to end committee early.

Then, of course, committee ended with a motion for entertainment.

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