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Downhill for Churchill

By Taarini Gurjar

As the JCC South Korea committee progressed, there were many bumps along the way: from the constant reminders to keep cameras on, to Zoom complications, and the Delegate of Louis St. Laurent’s desire to retire from committee. The biggest obstacle, however, was the questionable loyalty of the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill’s disloyalty was first divulged during an update disclosed at the end of the second session. A total of 1000 PCR and NK troops were sent to launch a guerrilla attack on UK troops along the coastal area of South Korea. North Korean troops were sent concomitantly into Beudong and Ilsan to ensure their entry before the incoming US troops. Shockingly, a relation between Winston Churchill and a Soviet agent, enabled the UK troops to combat the guerrilla attack. The NK troops in Buedong and Ilsan were also left pulverised by the US air force.

What followed the update was a moderated caucus to discuss the loyalty of Churchill and question answer session between him and the other delegates. Despite the surfacing of Churchill’s unfaithfulness, the allies settled that they would remain cautious, but continued to trust his intentions considering the munitions they supplied. Unfortunately, both Truman and Rhee’s optimism were squashed when a new update was announced.

The update unveiled that the munitions and weapons used by North Korea’s bombing to reclaim Pyongyang, which led to the loss of innocent South Korean and US lives, were provided by Britain. This thwarted any trust that remained between South Korea and Britain, as well as the US and Britain.

Committee ended with a heated question answer session between the two traitors, Stalin and Churchill, and the delegates of JCC North and South Korea.

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