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The UNIS Script

By Purv Ashar

Chair: Good morning delegates and viewers of UNIS: the reality show! Delegates, cameras on please!

(An uneventful 5 minutes pass)

Chair: Delegates, I am serious! Cameras on please.

(Delegates bar Delegate of USA put their camera on)

Chair: Thank You, delegate of USA?

Delegate of USA: Wi-fi issues, Sir Chair

Chair: It’s chair… and I’ll give you 5 minutes, put it on or we’ll keep you here for longer

USA: Sure I’ll leave early… oh. Alright

(USA puts camera on, committee begins)

Deputy Chair: Yes, I’m presuming all of you know the topic?

Zambia: Err… no

Chair (facepalming): Please tell me you’re joking. Please tell me you’re joking

Deputy Chair: No it’s alright, let’s get back into the topic, it’s the Iran-Iraq war. You all wrote position papers, so I know you have done your research.

(All delegates nod)

Chair: Good, are there an…

(Interrupted by crunching sound from a press delegate)

Chair: Would request people not speaking to mute, especially if you’re eating rocks

Press Delegate: It’s actually Cornflakes… oh w… (mutes)

Chair: Er… thank you, I guess? Let’s go on, but only after a commercial break!

(Commercial break)

Deputy Chair: And welcome back to UNIS, the reality show! Which delegate would like to go first?

(No hands raised)

Chair: Guys, you just need to say “Motion to open committee”, for goodness’ sake! Please, someone raise your hand.

(Delegate of UK raises their hand)

Deputy Chair: Thank you! Delegate of the United Kingdom!

UK: Point of personal privilege, can I use the washroom?

Deputy Chair: Yes, but only after you say “Motion to open committee!”

UK (reluctantly): Motion to open committee? Now can I please go?

Chair: That motion is in order and it passes by discretion of the chair, and yes, Delegate of UK, you can go. Alright, now can someone open the GSL?

Venezuela: Motion to open GSL?

Deputy Chair: That motions shall pass by discretion of the chair. Please raise your hands in the order that you wish to speak.

(Three hands raised)

Chair: Soviet Union, Iran, Italy, you have been recognised. What about the rest? You need to speak!

West Germany: I’m not ready, can we have 10 minutes?

(Choruses of yesses follow)

Chair: Oh alright, we reconvene in 10 minutes, and will continue in the next episode of UNIS: the reality show! See you soon!

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